What does human-environment interaction mean? Unluckily the majority of people don’t know the answer to this question. And in case you are such a person, this article is just for you.
Human-environment interaction is the interrelation between humans and the eco-system of our planet. Besides, it’s also related to the ways people adapt and modify nature. According to human-environment interaction definition, there are three basic types of this interrelation:
- The way we modify the environment. This type includes not only a positive but also a negative impact on the planet. For example, it concerns diking and borehole drilling.
- Human dependence on the environment. People can’t live without the usage of such important natural resources as food, water, coal, wood, oil, etc.
- The way people use the environment to satisfy their own needs. Human civilization constantly tries to adapt nature to reach better and more comfortable living conditions.
As you can see nature is essential for the well-being of our civilization. It goes without saying that we affect the environment by using natural resources and modifying the eco-systems. Furthermore, such activities may damage not only nature but also people living in certain areas.
But still, there are a lot of facts about human-environment interaction proving that people can get a lot of benefits without causing damage to the eco-system. And right now, you can get acquainted with the most interesting examples as well as discover how human-nature relationships influence your life.
Negative Human-Environment Interaction Examples
Although there are a lot of examples of human-environment interaction, only some of them are worth your attention. That’s why it’ll be a good idea to get acquainted with the most notable ones.
1. Waste Pollution

Probably, this example of human interaction with the environment has the largest number of negative effects. Litter causes such ecological problems as river pollution and the spread of various diseases dangerous both for animals and humans. Unfortunately, the recycling technologies aren’t perfect and more than 11 tons of recyclable garbage make their way into landfills annually.
2. Usage of Natural Resources

People use tons of metal, gas, and timber every day. At the same time the human population keeps on growing and that’s why the demand for natural resources is increasing rapidly. Plus, socio-economic advancement leads to the rise of natural resources utilization. Due to all these factors, we’ve already faced with such serious ecological problem as the exhaustion of environmental assets.
3. Deforestation

Every year people cut down forests and don’t plant new trees. Such human interaction with nature may lead to the complete destruction of our environment. Furthermore, deforestation results in the death of wild animals as well as increases the level of greenhouse gases, soil erosion, and floods. Besides, trees help to regulate the water cycle. Without them, less water will be returning to the soil and it’ll be impossible to grow crops due to the dry ground.
4. Usage of Aerosols

Aerosols are poisonous to nature. What is more, they have an impact on climate change and promote global warming. And even if you use CFS-free sprays, you should understand that they also can boost the warming effect of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In addition, the chemicals thrown away by aerosols aren’t just destroying the eco-system of our planet, but also cause such serious illnesses as asthma.
5. Borehole Drilling

This is another example of negative human-environment interaction. It goes without saying that sometimes the illegal oil drilling may generate the substances that get into the ocean and poison a lot of aquatic animals. At the same time, the natural gas output often is the reason that leads to the complete destruction of various eco-systems. Plus, drilling generates methane that affects the environment by contributing to global warming.
Positive Human-Environment Interaction Examples
Luckily, some people constantly try to help Mother Nature. And that’s why there are many examples of positive human-environment interaction. Thanks to the activities described below, we have a chance to reduce environmental impact and protect nature from ecological catastrophes.
1. Conservation of Water Resources

Water is vitally important for the whole human civilization and we can’t live without it. That’s why more and more countries develop and implement such techniques as harvesting of rainwater, management of watershed and drip irrigation. Besides, they suppress the throwing of industrial and domestic wastes into the rivers and oceans as well as start various clean-up projects. Thanks to such an attitude the water pollution may be prevented even in such industrial countries as China.
2. Recycling

Recycling is an integral part of positive human-environment interaction. An interesting fact is that nature recycles everything including dead animals or fallen leaves by returning them to the soil to grow up more trees and other plants. That’s why humans interacting with the environment should also follow this example and remake old products into new ones.
Unfortunately, the recycling industry needs a lot of improvements. According to the research conducted by the Guardian, the US recycles only 35% of the municipal waste which is approximately 91 million tons. At the same time, the country produces more than 250 million tons annually. But still, the great fact is that the recycling industry continues to develop. For example, the US managed to double its recovery rate for paper over the last 20 years.
3. Development of Sustainable Infrastructure
The main task of sustainable infrastructure is to ensure that the building of new roads, bridges or other projects will cause the minimum damage to the environment. In addition, it includes the usage of eco-friendly and durable construction materials as well as the development of smart building technologies. And a well-known example of sustainable urban infrastructure is Masdar City situated in the UAE.

4. Ecotourism

Considering the fact that humans depend on the environment, travel agencies came up with the idea to mix tourism and the desire to protect the environment. The key points of ecotourism include the building of ecological awareness and respectful attitude to the local culture.
In addition, this is not just a great way to reduce the environmental damage caused by usual tourists but also to support the people living in a certain area. Madagascar’s government, for instance, managed to reduce its 81% poverty rate by promoting ecotourism.
5. Creation of National Parks
This example is closely related to the previous one. The National Parks and special zones provide various animals and plants with protection from human influence. Nevertheless, such places turn into tourist attractions where people can enjoy nature without damaging it.
How Does Human-Environment Interaction Affect Your Life?
Although now you know the answer to the question: “How do people interact with their environment?”, but you can’t imagine the impact of this interaction on your life. The truth of the matter is that we depend on nature as well as it depends on us. In case you live in a place where people don’t take care of the local environment, you may suffer from different diseases. For example, your health may be damaged by polluted air or water. According to the statistics, 9 of 10 people worldwide breathe impure air that causes such serious illnesses as lung cancer and asthma.
At the same time, if you try to follow the eco-friendly tips as well as avoid contributing to the environmental impact, you will see that your life is changing for the better. Remember that your diet, clothing, and even your general condition depend on the environment you live in. Recent research has shown that workers in green-certified offices have 6,4% higher sleep quality scores than the ones that work in a completely different environment.
Unluckily, as you can see, there are a lot of negative ways humans interact with the environment, and each of them may affect your life one day. And if you want to prevent all negative implications, you should always respect nature and minimize the consumption of unrenewable resources.
Nature has provided us with an environment full of resources that can simplify our life. However, humans have destroyed the perfect balance and damaged the eco-system. The good news is that there is a chance to prevent ecological disasters and maintain only positive human-environment interactions.
Of course, we can modify the planet where we live. But still, we shouldn’t forget about the consequences of such changes. Never forget that we are responsible for the nature and the future of the Earth. And if you don’t want our civilization to face with the total destruction, you should do your best to live in sync with nature.